Definition 2025
See also: Appendix:Variations of "i"

Cyrillic letter И и
(И и), normal above, italics below.

Handwritten forms
и (lowercase, uppercase и) (italics: И, и)
- The eleventh letter of the Cyrillic alphabet as formerly used for Azeri, preceded by З and followed by Ы, and representing /ɪ/. Since 1991, this sound has been written İ.
- IPA(key): /i/
и • (i)
- and (used to connect two homogeneous similar words or phrases)
- Момчета и момичета излизат да играят. ― Momčeta i momičeta izlizat da igrajat. ― Boys and girls come out to play.
- and (used at the end of a list to indicate the last item)
- хляб, масло и сирене ― hljab, maslo i sirene ― bread, butter and cheese
- and (used to join sentences or sentence fragments in chronological order)
- Поправих стола и той отново се счупи. ― Popravih stola i toj otnovo se sčupi. ― I mended the chair and it broke again.
- and (used to indicate causation)
- Още веднъж ме попитай за определението на “и” и ще изкрещя. ― Ošte vednǎž me popitaj za opredelenieto na “i” i šte izkreštja. ― Ask me the definition of “and” again and I’ll scream.
- and (used to ask for elaboration)
- A: Нямам ключ. B: И... A: И ми трябва, за да вляза. ― A: Njamam ključ. B: I... A: I mi trjabva, za da vljaza. ― A: I don't have a key. B: And... A: And I need one to get in.
- also, too, likewise, as well
- И аз няма да бъда там ― I az njama da bǎda tam ― I shan't be there either
- И аз ще бъда там ― I az šte bǎda tam ― I shall be there, too./I shall also be there.
- и двамата ― i dvamata ― both
- even (implying an extreme example in the case mentioned, as compared to the implied reality)
- Не съм го и видял. ― Ne sǎm go i vidjal. ― I haven't even seen him.
- just, exactly, precisely
- Така и предполагах. ― Taka i predpolagah. ― Just as I suspected.
- (mathematics) and, plus (used to indicate addition)
- Пет и шест е единадесет. ― Pet i šest e edinadeset. ― Five and six is eleven.
See also
- ѝ (ì)
и • (i)
- and
- both
- И рацете и нозете ти се изгребани.
- I racete i nozete ti se izgrebani.
- Both your arms and your legs are scratched.
- И рацете и нозете ти се изгребани.
и • (i)
Old Church Slavonic
Etymology 1
From Proto-Slavic *i.
и • (i)
Etymology 2
From Proto-Slavic *jь.
и • (ji) m
Singular | Dual | Plural | |
nominative | *и | ꙗ | *и |
genitive | ѥго | ѥю | ихъ |
dative | ѥмоу | има | имъ |
accusative | и | ꙗ | ѩ |
instrumental | имь | има | ими |
locative | ѥмь | ѥю | ихъ |
Related terms
See also
- (phoneme) IPA(key): /i/
и • (i) (upper case И)
- The twelfth letter of the Ossetian alphabet.
See also
- (Cyrillic script letters) А (A) а (a), Ӕ (Æ) ӕ (æ), Б (B) б (b), В (V) в (v), Г (G) г (g), Гъ (Ǧ) гъ (ǧ), Д (D) д (d), Дж (Ǵ) дж (ǵ), Дз (Ʒ) дз (ʒ), Е (E) е (e), З (Z) з (z), И (I) и (i), Й (J) й (j), К (K) к (k), Къ (K’) къ (k’), Л (L) л (l), М (M) м (m), Н (N) н (n), О (O) о (o), П (P) п (p), Пъ (P’) пъ (p’), Р (R) р (r), С (S) с (s), Т (T) т (t), Тъ (Tʺ) тъ (t’), У (U) у (u), Ф (F) ф (f), Х (X) х (x), Хъ (Q) хъ (q), Ц (C) ц (c), Цъ (C’) цъ (c’), Ч (Ḱ) ч (ḱ), Чъ (Ḱ’) чъ (ḱ’), Ы (Y) ы (y)
- IPA(key): [i]
Etymology 1
и • (i) (lower case, upper case И) (italics: И, и)
- The tenth letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. Its name is и (i) and is usually pronounced /i/, but unstressed or after certain consonants it merges with ы into /ɪ/. It is preceded by З (Z) and followed by Й (J).
See also
- Wikipedia article on the Cyrillic alphabet
- Search for articles beginning with: И, и
и • (i) n inan (indeclinable)
Etymology 2
и • (i)
- and
- Вот я́блоко и гру́ша.
- Vot jábloko i grúša.
- Here’s an apple and a pear.
- Вот я́блоко и гру́ша.
- as well as, both ... and ...
- Росси́и нужны́ и а́рмия, и фло́т.
- Rossíi nužný i ármija, i flót.
- Russia needs an army as well as a navy.
- Росси́и нужны́ и а́рмия, и фло́т.
- even
- Бою́сь дана́йцев и дары́ принося́щих
- Bojúsʹ danájcev i darý prinosjáščix
- I fear the Danaans [Greeks], even those bearing gifts.
- Бою́сь дана́йцев и дары́ принося́щих
- (and): а (a)
Etymology 3
и • (i)
- (preceding a verb) Emphasizes the truth of the following verb. Note that "есть (jestʹ)" is also used, which is usually omitted.
- Он так и де́лает.
- On tak i délajet.
- He does do it that way.
- Она́ и пошла́ туда́.
- Oná i pošlá tudá.
- She did go there.
- Оно́ и есть тако́е.
- Onó i jestʹ takóje.
- It is like that.
- Я и есть тот челове́к.
- Ja i jestʹ tot čelovék.
- I am that person.
- Он так и де́лает.
Etymology 1
- (phoneme) IPA(key): /i/
и (Latin spelling i)
Etymology 2
From Proto-Slavic *i, from Proto-Indo-European *h₁ey.
- IPA(key): /i/
и (Latin spelling i)
- and
- Ивица и Марица се воле ― Ivica and Marica love each other.
- и тако даље ― and so on
- (и..и..) both..and..
- не можеш истовремено и тужити и судити. ― you can't simultaneously both sue and judge
- also, too
- и мени се свиђа ваш одабир ― I like your choice too
- even (usually preceded by ча̏к)
- (чак) и ја сам позван на забаву! ― even I have been invited to the party
- (не са̏мо .. не̏го/ве̏ћ и...) also, too
- он је не само даровит, него и јако марљив ― he is not only talented, but also very industrious
- so, so that (= те, па)
- уморио сам се и нисам могао више играти кошарку ― I grew tired, so I couldn't play basketball anymore