Definition 2025
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В • (V) (lower case в)
- The third letter of the Bashkir alphabet
See also
- (Cyrillic script letters) хәреф (xäref); А (A) а (a), Б (B) б (b), В (V) в (v), Г (G) г (g), Ғ (Ğ) ғ (ğ), Д (D) д (d), Ҙ (Đ) ҙ (ð), Е (Ye) е (ye), Ё (Yo) ё (yo), Ж (Ž) ж (ž), З (Z) з (z), И (I) и (i), Й (Y) й (y), К (K) к (k), Ҡ (Q) ҡ (q), Л (L) л (l), М (M) м (m), Н (N) н (n), Ң (Ñ) ң (ñ), О (O) о (o), Ө (Ö) ө (ö), П (P) п (p), Р (R) р (r), С (S) с (s), Ҫ (Θ) ҫ (θ), Т (T) т (t), У (U) у (u), Ү (Ü) ү (ü), Х (X) х (x), Һ (H) һ (h), Ц (Ts) ц (ts), Ч (Č) ч (č), Ш (Š) ш (š), Щ (Šč) щ (šč), Ъ (ʺ) ъ (ʺ), Ы (Ï) ы (ï), Ь (’) ь (’), Э (E) э (e), Ә (Ä) ә (ä), Ю (Yu) ю (yu), Я (Ya) я (ya)

в (lower case, upper case В)
- The 3rd letter of several Cyrillic alphabets.
Related terms
- v (Latin alphabet)

в • (v) (lower case в)
- The third letter of the Bashkir alphabet
See also
- (Cyrillic script letters) хәреф (xäref); А (A) а (a), Б (B) б (b), В (V) в (v), Г (G) г (g), Ғ (Ğ) ғ (ğ), Д (D) д (d), Ҙ (Đ) ҙ (ð), Е (Ye) е (ye), Ё (Yo) ё (yo), Ж (Ž) ж (ž), З (Z) з (z), И (I) и (i), Й (Y) й (y), К (K) к (k), Ҡ (Q) ҡ (q), Л (L) л (l), М (M) м (m), Н (N) н (n), Ң (Ñ) ң (ñ), О (O) о (o), Ө (Ö) ө (ö), П (P) п (p), Р (R) р (r), С (S) с (s), Ҫ (Θ) ҫ (θ), Т (T) т (t), У (U) у (u), Ү (Ü) ү (ü), Х (X) х (x), Һ (H) һ (h), Ц (Ts) ц (ts), Ч (Č) ч (č), Ш (Š) ш (š), Щ (Šč) щ (šč), Ъ (ʺ) ъ (ʺ), Ы (Ï) ы (ï), Ь (’) ь (’), Э (E) э (e), Ә (Ä) ә (ä), Ю (Yu) ю (yu), Я (Ya) я (ya)
Pronunciation 1
- IPA(key): /vɤ/
в • (v) (lower case, upper case В)
- The third letter of the Bulgarian Cyrillic alphabet. Its name is въ (vɤ) and it has the sound of English v. It is preceded by Б and followed by Г.
Pronunciation 2
Alternative forms
- във (vǎv)
в • (v)
- going inside (of) or within the limits of, into, in, at, to
- влизам в стаята - to go into the room
- качвам се в колата - to get in the car
- пристигам в хотела - to arrive at the hotel
- against, especially with force or violence, into
- Колата се блъсна в дървото. - The car crashed into the tree.
- Не внимавах и се блъснах в стена. - I wasn't careful, and walked into a wall.
- used to indicate where something is or where something happens, in, at, on
- в стаята съм - to be in the room
- Срещнахме се в училище. - We met at school.
- пътувам в автобуса/метрото - to travel on the bus/tube
- used with certain time expressions to say when something happens, at, in, on, during
- в 8 часа - at 8 o'clock
- в петък - on Friday
- в 1988 - in 1988
- в деветнадесетия век - in/during the nineteenth century
- в това/същото време - at that/the same time
- в момента - at the moment
- в един миг - momentarily/in a moment
- в началото - in the beginning
- в началото на годината - at the beginning of the year
- used to indicate a change in state, to, into
- превръщам в камък - to turn into stone
- превръщам в пепел/прах/развалини - to reduce to ashes/powder/ruins
- превръщам километри в мили - to convert kilometres into miles
- used to indicate a state or condition, in, on
- в безсъзнание съм - to be in a dead faint/to be unconscious
- в движение - in motion/on the move
- в добро здравословно състояение - in good health
- в покой - in repose/at rest/motionless
- в кома - in a coma
- used to show how or in what way something is done, in, at
- плащам в долари/брой - to pay in dollars/cash
- меря в километри - to measure in kilometres
- марширувам в строй - to march in formation
- вървя в крак - to keep in step
- слушам в захлас - to listen in a daze
- в галоп/тръс - at a gallop/trot
- used to indicate the parts forming something, in
- роман в три части - a novel in three volumes
- филм в два епизода - a film in two episodes
- used to describe the clothes or the colour of something, in
- облечен в черно/черна риза - dressed in black/a black shirt
- стени, боядисани в синьо - walls painted blue
- used to indicate a sphere where a certain quality is present, at
- Той е много добър в професията си. - He is very good at his job.
Usage notes
In writing, във is used in front of words starting with в or ф and в is used elsewhere. In speech, в and във are used interchangeably. In writing and in speech, във is also used as a stressed form of в, even before words not beginning with в or ф, as in Тя е във къщата, а не отвън. - She is in the house, not outside. In verse, във can also be used in front of words not starting with в or ф in order to maintain the syllable structure of the line.
Related terms
в • (v) (lowercase, uppercase В) (italics: В, в)
- The third letter of the Macedonian Cyrillic alphabet. Its name is в (və) and it has the sound of English v. It is preceded by Б and followed by Г.
в • (v)
- Alternative form of во (vo)
See also
- во (vo)
See also
- (Cyrillic script letters) А (A) а (a), Б (B) б (b), В (V) в (v), Г (G) г (g), Д (D) д (d), Ѓ (Ǵ) ѓ (ǵ), Е (E) е (e), Ж (Ž) ж (ž), З (Z) з (z), Ѕ (Dz) ѕ (dz), И (I) и (i), Ј (J) ј (j), К (K) к (k), Л (L) л (l), Љ (Lj) љ (lj), М (M) м (m), Н (N) н (n), Њ (Nj) њ (nj), О (O) о (o), П (P) п (p), Р (R) р (r), С (S) с (s), Т (T) т (t), Ќ (Ḱ) ќ (ḱ), У (U) у (u), Ф (F) ф (f), Х (H) х (h), Ц (C) ц (c), Ч (Č) ч (č), Џ (Dž) џ (dž), Ш (Š) ш (š)
- (phoneme) IPA(key): /v/
в • (v) (upper case В)
- The fourth letter of the Ossetian alphabet
See also
- (Cyrillic script letters) А (A) а (a), Ӕ (Æ) ӕ (æ), Б (B) б (b), В (V) в (v), Г (G) г (g), Гъ (Ǧ) гъ (ǧ), Д (D) д (d), Дж (Ǵ) дж (ǵ), Дз (Ʒ) дз (ʒ), Е (E) е (e), З (Z) з (z), И (I) и (i), Й (J) й (j), К (K) к (k), Къ (K’) къ (k’), Л (L) л (l), М (M) м (m), Н (N) н (n), О (O) о (o), П (P) п (p), Пъ (P’) пъ (p’), Р (R) р (r), С (S) с (s), Т (T) т (t), Тъ (Tʺ) тъ (t’), У (U) у (u), Ф (F) ф (f), Х (X) х (x), Хъ (Q) хъ (q), Ц (C) ц (c), Цъ (C’) цъ (c’), Ч (Ḱ) ч (ḱ), Чъ (Ḱ’) чъ (ḱ’), Ы (Y) ы (y)
Etymology 1
- IPA(key): [vɛ] (phonetic respelling: вэ)
в • (v) (lower case, upper case В) (italics: В, в)
- The third letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. Its name is вэ (vɛ) and it has the sound of English v. It is preceded by Б and followed by Г.
See also
Etymology 2
From Old East Slavic въ (vŭ), from Proto-Slavic *vъ(n), from Proto-Indo-European *h₁n̥, zero-grade form of *h₁én.
Alternative forms
- во (vo)
- IPA(key): [v]
в • (v)
- (location) in, at, on (+ prepositional case)
- Он в те́атре ― On v téatre ― He’s at (in) the theater.
- (direction) to, into (+ accusative case)
- (time) at, in, on
- per
Etymology 3
Abbreviation of вольт (volʹt).
- IPA(key): [volʲt] (phonetic respelling: вольт)
в • (v) m inan (indeclinable)
- (phoneme) IPA(key): /ʋ/
в (lower case, upper case В)
- The 3rd letter of the Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic alphabet.
Usage notes
Its name is в (vɛ) (old name: веди) and it has the sound of English v.