Definition 2024



Old Spanish

Alternative forms


elifant m (plural elifantes)

  1. elephant
    • c. 1200: Almeric, Fazienda de Ultramar, f. 76v. col. 1.
      […] e fizieron ǵnt batala e ouo muchos elifanteſ. eleazar ermano de judas macabeús fue ferir alefant en el caſtielo e diol có el eſpada por el uientre e cayo elifant sobrel ujentre ¬ matol e aſi murieron amoſ.
      […] and they waged a great battle where there were many elephants. Then Eleazar, the brother of Judas Maccabeus, set out to wound the elephant by the castle, and so he struck its stomach with his sword, whereupon the elephant toppled on top of him, and so they both perished.
