Definition 2024






  1. (slang) A slang suffix to form hip-hop-sounding words, which replaces the word with the first sound of the word followed by -izzle.
    • 2004, Hollywood Reporter, British judge: nizzle-shizzling not an offense
      A bewigged British judge ruled on Thursday that the lyrics of a rap record urging the listener to “shizzle my nizzle” and referring to a “mish mish man” did not constitute an offense.
    • February 15 2005, The Guardian, Shortcuts
      Snoop Dogg has always had a refreshing take on British culture. When he met Rod Hull and Emu on The Word, for instance, he took exception to the overindulged bird’s lunge at his genitals (or “lizzle at his gizzle”, to use Snoop’s parlance). After a short struggle, the rapper’s foot rested on the bird-handler’s neck. If only Parky had been so proactive.

Derived terms

<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:English_words_suffixed_with_-izzle'>English words suffixed with -izzle</a>

See also